Acrylic Sheet Performance Features

1The hardness


Hardness is one of the parameters that best reflects the production process and technology of cast acrylic sheets,and is an important link in quality control. Hardness can reflect the purity of PMMA, the weather resistance and high-temperature resistance of plexiglass sheets.

Hardness directly affects whether the plate will shrink, bend, and deform during processing, and whether cracks will appear on the surface. Hardness is one of the hardness indicators for judging the quality of acrylic sheets.

The average Rockwell hardness value of acrylic sheets produced by JUXIN PLASTIC can reach 8~9 degrees, and the hardness index parameters can reach the top level in the industry!


2The thickness (acrylic sheets tolerance)


Due to different production processes, the thickness of acrylic sheets has a certain thickness tolerance. Therefore, the control of acrylic sheet tolerances is an important link that cannot be ignored by the quality management and production technology departments.

Acrylic sheets are produced by international standards such as ISO7823. The acrylic sheets produced by JUXIN PLASTIC are produced in strict accordance with this standard!

The thickness tolerances of different production processes are as follows:


Cast acrylic sheet tolerance requirements: tolerance ≤ (±0.01+0.1x thickness)

Extuded acrylic sheet tolerance requirements:  ≤3mm Thickness: ±10%

                                               >3mm Thickness: ±5%


3The transparency/white purity


JUXIN PLASTIC has strictly controlled the selection of raw materials from the beginning, followed up with the most advanced formulas in the industry, and used modern production processes to coordinate production, thus ensuring that the acrylic sheet produced by JUXIN has excellent transparency and white purity.

The most intuitive manifestation of the quality of JUXIN acrylic sheets is that after flame polishing, the surface will look very crystal clear.


4The smell


Good quality acrylic sheets have almost no smell when being processed by laser cutting and CNC processing, but poor quality acrylic sheets will have a very pungent and unpleasant smell even if they are not processed!

JUXIN PLASTIC is produced using 100% virgin Lucite material, so there is no smell during processing!


If you want to know more about the Acrylic Sheet, please contact us “JUXIN PLASTIC”!



  1. I know JUXIN is a good supplier of acrylic sheet,they only produce good quality acrylic sheet!




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